
Monday 4 May 2015

7 Key Office Etiquette You Must Keep To Be A Top Employee

 Spending eight to ten hours in an office is a norm for many and when you spend so much time with your colleagues, it’s important to showcase basic good manners/etiquette.

The way you behave and conduct yourself at your workplace is the key factor that decides how your colleagues respond to you. Since small space of cubicles makes it difficult to have any sort of privacy, people should learn to be more respectful and polite.

Below are given some tips that will help you improve your office etiquette:

Rule #1

Be Punctual: It’s not a crime to be late once in a while, if something unavoidable comes up, but do not make coming to office late you trademark. No will be tolerating such insolent behavior for long.

In-addition, never be late for office meeting. Inform your colleague/senior beforehand if you are getting late or will be late.

Rule #2

Know Your Colleagues: No one is asking you to know everything about your colleagues. But you certainly can take some time to know their names.

Remember, you will be sharing office space with them, so it would not kill you to be nice. Also, take time to say hello to co-workers, next time you pass by their work station, smile to nod or acknowledge that you noticed.

Rule #3

Mind Your Language: Everything you do during office hours reflects your professional self. Remember, you are at high risk of being caught at your worse behavior in office.

So diligently consider about making your professional image. Never swear or use foul language in front of a colleagues or a customer/client.

Rule #4

Knock Before Entering Co-worker’s Cabin: If there’s a door in place and by chance it’s closed, then best bet is to knock before you enter. Understand, if someone has closed their cabin door then s/he must be busy and does not want to be disturbed.

Barging in unannounced indicates that you do not respect other people’s privacy. It’s enough to give you bad name in any office, so refrain from opening doors without knocking beforehand.

Rule #5

Keep Your Personal Opinions to Yourself: It’s not a wise idea to force your ideas or beliefs on people around you especially co-workers.

Realize picking fight with co-workers just because they do not show interest in your views is an extremely bad idea, one that will earn you a reputation of a fanatic. Understand, no one likes to be told what to do and what to believe.

Rule #6

Be Courteous to One And All: Try to be polite and respectful to one and all in your office, irrespective of their designation.

Do not think it’s your prerogative to be rude just because you are talking to an office peon. Respect elders and young co-workers alike. Be nice, helpful and co-operative with colleagues.

Rule #7

Do not Misuse Company Property...Company provides workers with office supplies so that they could work without constrains.

Refrain from taking home office supplies such as notepads, sticky notes, pen etc. Remember, taking something that someone else’s property without due permission or proper payment is stealing. Also, if you can use company car then it does not automatically gives you right to run personal errands.

Some other things that you should refrain from doing during office hours:

Never chew bubble gum when in office. Popping bubble gum in front of colleagues only shows how childish you are.
Do not shout/scream at people around you to make your point.
Do not gossip or take pot shots at co-workers private life.
Refrain from hovering around a colleague engaged in a phone talk.
Refrain from making sexist or racist comments.
Do not blame others for your mistakes, remember you are no longer a three-year-old and it’s not funny.

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