
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Important Attitude And Things That Can Stop You From Becoming Rich

We all desire wealth and riches, however, being able to achieve this desire will greatly depend on what you do or fail to do. Financially successful people will tell you building wealth is not by accident. It is an accumulation of certain habits practiced over time. The Irony is that perpetual poverty is equally an accumulation of certain habits practiced over time. If you desire to be rich then you have to let go certain habits and orientations.

Here are 8 things you are doing that will likely stop you from becoming rich;
Wrong Attitude Towards Money: One of the things that can greatly hinder one’s success in anything is the wrong attitude. Today there are many ideas, beliefs and opinions that people have about money that are totally wrong. The fact is that your beliefs are your greatest limitations.
 What many believe about money is one thing that has kept them away from it. Some of these wrong ideas about money are;
• Money is the root of all evil.
• I’m not good with money, I just can’t keep it.
• Money is meant to be spent.
• More money creates more problems.
• Money is dirty.
• Only dishonest people get rich.
• The best way to wealth is to get a high paying job and work hard.
• Some are just destined to be poor.
• Money is for a selected few.

Your belief about money can either attract or repel it depending on what you believe. The truth is that you cannot attract what your mind repels. To be rich you need to alter every wrong belief that you have about money. Clear your mind of such wrong beliefs. Think and talk abundance. When you are positive about money, it is attracted to you. Wealth does not begin with just what you do. It begins with what you think.

Not Thinking Enough: In case you don’t know yet, the highest paying job in the world now is the ability to think. This equally happens to be one of the big differences between the poor and the rich. The poor “work hard” while the rich “work smart”. The difference between the two is that the former is more of physical strength and little of mental strength while the latter is more of mental strength and little of physical strength. If you desire to be rich then start using your brain more. The truth is that those who work hard are always under those who work smart.
When you apply your brain more you toil less. There is always an idea in the back of our minds that we can harness and create wealth. We are just too mentally lazy to refine these ideas and make them profitable. Someone once said, “If you do not have enough is only because you do not think enough.” There are still more human problems to solve. In case you do not know, the more problems you can solve, the more money you can make. The only thing though is that solving problems demands thinking enough.

Settling for An Average Life: If you’ve have listened to the rich talk about how they came to wealth you will likely here something like, “I was determined not to settle for less.” or a similar statement. They are simply telling you that they didn’t all of a sudden have it on a platter of gold neither did they become wealthy just by merely wishing for it rather they were bold enough to get out of their comfort zone, took calculated risks, refuse to back down, giving life no other option but to give them their demands because they have paid their dues.
Many are too afraid to place enough demand on life. They prefer security rather than opportunity; clinging tenaciously to their comfort zone. They fear change and are unwilling to take risks. They prefer mediocrity than paying the price for excellence. The result is an average life or even something lesser. The truth is that you cannot be better than you desire to be.

Misuse of Time: You become rich by using your time wisely; investing a good chunk of your time working on your goals and ideas. One habit of the rich is proper time management. They understand that there is a huge difference between activity and productivity. Every use of their time is for something worthwhile. The wisest man that ever lived once said, “There is a time for everything …” When you misuse the time meant for planting you may never have anything to harvest.
Every rich man I know started his quest for wealth early enough. In case you are still wondering the connection between money and time, let me break it down: What you do with your time today determines where you will be tomorrow.

Spending More than You Multiply
: If you are the type that plans on how to spend money even before it comes to you, you are only practicing poverty. The rich think more about multiplying money, the poor think more about spending it. Don’t forget that multiplication is what creates abundance. Warren Buffet, one of the richest in the world today bought his first shares at the age of eleven. I’m not saying you should run off right now to go buy some shares. I am only emphasizing on the need for you to invest your money if you want to be rich. The bottom line is; invest more than you spend.

Lack of Information and self-development: You must have heard that information is power. This is true (depending on the quality of the information). I think there is a connection between what you know and what you do. The truth is that you cannot perform or do better than you know. Your ability to transform your ideas in to wealth will depend on what you know. I’m not just talking about going to school and acquiring formal education, I am rather talking about self-education. Self- education is learning all you can learn without waiting to be taught.

If you ask me I will say that self-education is more strategic than formal education when it comes to wealth creation. Little wonder majority of the rich ones are those who never saw the four walls of a university but were consummate learners. They learned all they could from the world around them. Open your mind to information, read books. Build your mind and you will build the quality of your ideas and increase your earning ability.

Lack of Financial Goals: Some people find it hard to safe money no matter how little. They easily spend whatever comes into their hands and their next option will be to borrow. They borrow until they are heavily indebted. One obvious habit that leads to poverty is spending more than you earn. Learn to create a financial goal, decide what’s truly important to spend money on, how much you‘ll save and even how much debt you can handle without jeopardizing your financial future.

Neglecting the Law of Giving: Have you noticed that the greatest givers are the richest. They give billions yearly and their income seems to increase than diminish. I know you will say, “They have more that is why they give more.” I don’t think so. I think they have more because they give more. You know why? One of the greatest laws of the universe is the law of sowing and reaping or Law of cause and effect. When you give you attract relatively a higher measure of what you’ve given according to the principle of harvest. (The spiritually-minded will understand this better). I may not be able to explain this in more details here. But learn to give for worthy causes. Wealth answers to giving.

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