Today am going to write about common French words used in English today.
very often you might have come across words that are not English word
but are used when you read articles or books below is a list of some of
this words.
1) Rendez-vous: The word means 'a meeting at a fixed place'' and time i.e lets say you meet an old friend and you decided to catch up for diner you can say you had a Rendez-vous.
2) Deja vu: It's a feeling that you get when you get to a place and you think that you have been there before even though you might not have been there before or a feeling that you have experienced something before.
3) En route: It means "On the way". In an event that you were expecting your babe for instance and she says she is En route your house, You know what that means??.
4) Sans: She graced the occasion Sans makeup. Sans means Without.
5) A la carte: Means when you have a Menu card where every dish have separate prices. So we decided to go a la carte we ordered a plate of paste and pizza and then unfortunately the waiter made a Faux pas.
6) Faux pas: As illustrated in the previous point means To make a mistake/ do something socially embarrassing. for instance if we say Psquare made a fashion Faux pas, it means a wardrobe malfunction.
7) Vis-a-vis: It means In relation to/comparison to or sometimes Face to face.
Passe: It means past time or something that is outdated.
9) Chauffeur: Means Driver
10) Adieu: Farewell/Goodbye
11) Souvenir: It means memento. something you give people as a form of resemblance.
12)Bon voyage: Have a safe journey.
13) C'est la vie : That's life
1) Rendez-vous: The word means 'a meeting at a fixed place'' and time i.e lets say you meet an old friend and you decided to catch up for diner you can say you had a Rendez-vous.
2) Deja vu: It's a feeling that you get when you get to a place and you think that you have been there before even though you might not have been there before or a feeling that you have experienced something before.
3) En route: It means "On the way". In an event that you were expecting your babe for instance and she says she is En route your house, You know what that means??.
4) Sans: She graced the occasion Sans makeup. Sans means Without.
5) A la carte: Means when you have a Menu card where every dish have separate prices. So we decided to go a la carte we ordered a plate of paste and pizza and then unfortunately the waiter made a Faux pas.
6) Faux pas: As illustrated in the previous point means To make a mistake/ do something socially embarrassing. for instance if we say Psquare made a fashion Faux pas, it means a wardrobe malfunction.
7) Vis-a-vis: It means In relation to/comparison to or sometimes Face to face.
9) Chauffeur: Means Driver
10) Adieu: Farewell/Goodbye
11) Souvenir: It means memento. something you give people as a form of resemblance.
12)Bon voyage: Have a safe journey.
13) C'est la vie : That's life
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