
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Today In History [4th August, 2015]

A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history.

Today in History
August 4
1265   King Henry III puts down a revolt of English barons lead by Simon de Montfort.
1578   A crusade against the Moors of Morocco is routed at the Battle of Alcazar-el-Kebir. King Sebastian of Portugal and 8,000 of his soldiers are killed.
1717   A friendship treaty is signed between France and Russia.
1789   The Constituent Assembly in France abolishes the privileges of nobility.
1790   The Revenue Cutter service, the parent service of the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, is organized.
1864   Federal troops fail to capture Fort Gaines on Dauphin Island, one of the Confederate forts defending Mobile Bay.
1875   The first Convention of Colored Newspapermen is held in Cincinnati, Ohio.
1879   A law is passed in Germany making Alsace Lorraine a territory of the empire.
1914   Germany invades Belgium causing Great Britain to declare war on Germany.
1942   The British government charges that Mohandas Gandhi and his All-Indian Congress Party favor "appeasement" with Japan.
1944   RAF pilot T. D. Dean becomes the first pilot to destroy a V-1 buzz bomb when he tips the pilotless craft’s wing, sending it off course.
1952   Helicopters from the U.S. Air Force Air Rescue Service land in Germany, completing the first transatlantic flight by helicopter in 51 hours and 55 minutes of flight time.
1964   The bodies of civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman & James E Chaney, discovered in an earthen Mississippi dam.
1964   The U.S.S. Maddox and Turner Joy exchange fire with North Vietnamese patrol boats.
1971   US launches first satellite into lunar orbit from a manned spacecraft (Apollo 15).
1972   Arthur Bremer sentenced to 63 years for shooting Alabama governor George Wallace, later reduced to 53 years.
1979   President Jimmy Carter establishes the Department of Energy.
1988   US Senate votes to give each Japanese-American who was interned during WWII $20,000 compensation and an apology.
2007   NASA launches Phoenix spacecraft on a mission to Mars.
Born on August 4
1792   Percy Bysshe Shelly, English poet and author.
1805   William Rowan Hamilton, Irish scientist.
1901   Louis Armstrong, legendary jazz trumpeter.
1912   Raoul Wallenberg, Swedish diplomat credited with saving nearly 100,000 Budapest Jews during World War II.
1958   Mary Decker Slaney, American athlete, winner of seven track and field records.
1961   Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States of America.

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