
Friday 3 July 2015

Today In History [3rd July, 2015]

A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history.

Today in History

July 3
1775         George Washington takes command of the Continental Army.
1790         In Paris, the Marquis of Condorcet proposes granting civil rights to women.
1844         American ambassador Caleb Cushing successfully negotiates a commercial treaty with China.
1863         Confederate forces attack the center of the Union line at Gettysburg, but fail to break it.
1878         John Wise flies the first dirigible in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
1901         The Wild Bunch, led by Butch Cassidy, commits its last American robbery near Wagner, Montana, taking $65,000 from a Great Northern train.
1903         The first cable across the Pacific Ocean is spliced between Honolulu, Midway, Guam and Manila.
1944         The U.S. First Army opens a general offensive to break out of the hedgerow area of Normandy, France.
1945         U.S. troops land at Balikpapan and take Sepinggan airfield on Borneo in the Pacific.
1950         U.S. carrier-based planes attack airfields in the Pyongyang-Chinnampo area of North Korea in the first air-strike of the Korean War.
1954         Food rationing ends in Great Britain almost nine years after the end of World War II.
1962         Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.
1967         North Vietnamese soldiers attack South Vietnam’s only producing coal mine at Nong Son.
Born on July 3
1683         Edward Young, English poet, dramatist and literary critic (Night Thoughts).
1844         Dankmar Adler, architect and engineer.
1871         William Henry Davies, Welsh poet.
1878         George M. Cohan, American entertainer and songwriter.
1883         Franz Kafka, Prague-born German novelist (The Metamorphosis, The Trail).
1908         M.F.K. Fisher, food writer.
1912         Elizabeth Taylor, novelist and short story writer.
1921         Francois-Arnold Reichenbach, documentary filmmaker.
1937         Tom Stoppard, British playwright (Rosencrantz and Gilderstern are Dead).

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