
Thursday 2 July 2015

Three Habits That Will Keep You Permanently As An Employee
There are three habits that will constantly keep you as an employee even when you could have done more and become your own boss and boss people around with the green back rolling into your account as if it is nothing but once we are clinging to these type of habits when it comes to our source of livelihood we usually give adventure and perseverance the back seat of our life and here they are laid bare for you pause, think and ponder about your dreams and the dreams of another man,which one of them is more important?

(1)Youthful exuberance, Enthusiasm,Go get it done attitude and Always be the best.

A young graduate that lands a job with blue chip company or an outfit seems to have arrived and his dreams has finally come through and if there is one thing that has given him this new change in status, it is this job - This individual might likely spend all his entire time thinking and planning on how to become the best employee ,grow in the system and make use of this opportunity to become richer under the same outfit over the years.They will work very hard abandoning every other opportunity that isn't shiny like the very one they comfortably sit on but wait a minute; you're still an employee and you're simply making another man's dream to come through - How about your own dreams ,after all, every man has a dream too.I am not saying that one shouldn't work hard as an employee but don't work too hard and abandon your own dreams.

(2) I Can't abandon all these benefits and try being my own man, at least not now
You have now grown in the system over the years and the money is good and keep reeling in and your position in this outfit is guaranteed hence your hard work has paid off , you have free medical care and a travel itinerary that will run twice a year for any country of your choice on a tight schedule because your outfit needs you more,you begin to see the price you're paying when you begin to see the good ,the bad and the ugly people of your outfit and sometimes you just want to walk away but you can't because you're afraid to leave all these goodies behind, you don't have time to do anything else because over the years you've become a valuable asset and you simply do not own your life anymore ,even family life could be affected but here you are working to achieve another man's dream, you really wanted to leave but the fear of the unknown keeps you around and you're always afraid of what awaits you outside the comfy office you sit everyday churning out results for another man to build his own dreams, after all the money is coming in but now you've seen this money and it hasn't changed anything because your dream is still your dream and it haunts you sometimes but you've refused to let go - Is your dream that unimportant ? and again don't you think you would have achieved more than these benefits and rewards if you were your own boss?

(3) I can't pursue my dream(s) anymore - time has gone with your age.
Finally you've spent your entire productive age working your ass off for another man to achieve his dreams and age is no longer on your side, your dreams reflects across your mind every now and then but it seems to be more intense now that retirement is around the corner but you're too fragile, tired and cranky to try out any new idea due to the number of years you've spent as an employee doing just one thing and now you no longer have the zeal and enthusiasm to pursue your own dream vigorously but deep inside you this is what you have always wanted to be but this your job took all that away.And here you are a man that never lived his dream.

These three major scenario has completely left gurus of entrepreneurship, business tycoons and ideologists on the employee bench for life,churning out fantastic results for another man to build his own dream ,so I am charging each one and everyone of us today with a dream to sit down and ponder as you resume for work this morning and ask yourself again - Am I doing this job at the expense of my own dream(s) and begin to do the right thing now and become your own boss.You can never be rich and be influential by being an employee all your life unless you become the man who calls the shot.

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