
Sunday 3 July 2016

Ridiculous Things Job Applicants Have Done To Impress Their Interviewer

In the present day global workforce where limited job vacancies are available for an abnormally large number of applicants, every one of them wants to stand out and impress the recruiter(s).
By so doing, many have gone ahead to do ridiculous stunts all in the name of impressing the interviewer(s).
While some of these "extraordinary folks" got the jobs, the were only able to get noticed by the recruiter(s). Their stunts were not sufficient to earn them the jobs.
Below are some examples of these ridiculous impressions.

1. A candidate answered a call during the interview stating that another company was calling to discuss a job offer.

2. A candidate climbed on a roof the employer was repairing and asked for a job.

3. Candidate performed a musical number on the guitar about why he was the best candidate.

4. A candidate volunteered to help out with making copies when he saw interviewer’s assistant was getting frazzled.

5. A candidate repaired a piece of company’s equipment during the first interview.

6. A candidate sent a message in a bottle.

7. A candidate back-flipped into the room.

8. A female applicant sent a resume in a format like the Playboy Magazine: Height, Weight, Measurements, Most Likes, Least Likes, etc. The whole thing except without the photo.

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